
Winter School from 14.02.2011 to 18.02.2011, at Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz.
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The mechanisms of the worldwide economic systems and demographic development are influencing the urbanization of settlement patterns. Besides other questions, rurban development poses an ecological challenge linked directly to questions of mobility and energy used for infrastructures. In order to introduce sustainable ways of life and in view of the threat of climate change it is essential that we cease overexploiting land and wasting resources. These issues are not free from controversy as they impact on ways of life, structural, political and economic intentions as well as culturally entrenched habits. In this context, the question of ecology and sustainability leads to issues of new settlement patterns: also, the new volumes of building masses – and hence typologies – are facing a pressure to change which will alter the image of the city. As a consequence, the compatibility of this density to be discussed must lead to an understanding regarding the qualities of density which takes all relevant spheres of urban life into account.

However, not only the macro-perspective point of view is significant. Sustainable and energy-efficient design is applied to overall urban concepts, right down to structural details. The Winter School “Sustainable Smart Cities” is intended to proceed from the “Large” to the “Small” scale. The Winter School is to provide a holistic combination of macro-, meso- and micro-levels. Specialists from all over the world have been invited to explore various topics in depth, either through talks or workshops, and to achieve synergy effects by means of expert exchange.

In addition to lectures and ample time to discuss with the international experts, students will visit practical examples of regional architecture concepts. As an integral part of the Winter School students will have the opportunity to solve problems defined by themselves under the supervision of skilled lecturers utilising the knowledge and tool kits presented in the lectures. The solutions presented by the students will be critically appraised by a jury of experts and published on the website of the STYRIAN ACADEMY, http://styrianacademy.eu.

Roger Riewe, Graz University of Technology, head Institute of Architecture Technology, Austria
Ferdinand Oswald, Graz University of Technology, Institute of Architecture Technology, Austria
Hans Gangoly, Graz University of Technology, head Institute of Architectural Typologies, Austria

The Winter School convenes top international lecturers; among them are, in alphabetical order:

Laura Baird (AMO-OMA), Brain Cody (TU Graz), Johannes Fiedler (TU Braunschweig), Hans Gangoly (TU Graz), David Müller (ETH Zürich), Edward NG (Chinese University of Hong Kong), John C.Y. NG (University of Hong Kong), Roger Riewe (TU Graz), Werner Sobek (University of Stuttgart).

Moderation: Andreas Ruby (textbild Berlin)

Hosted by "Graz University of Technology" and "Styrian Academy", supported by "Das Land Steiermark" and "ESEIA"

Information and registration:
For further information please visit http://styrianacademy.eu

€ 500, including lectures, supporting material, accommodation and meals.
For questions, please contact styrianacademy@tugraz.at

16. + 17.11.2023