
Ringvorlesung Architekturforschung im WS 2014/15

©: TU Graz - Institut für Architekturtheorie, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften

Die Ringvorlesung Architekturforschung bildet einen integralen Bestandteil der Grazer Doctoral School Architektur. Lehrende der TU Graz und internationale Gäste stellen aktuelle Projekte der Architekturforschung hinsichtlich ihrer Konzepte, Methoden und Ergebnisse vor. In Workshops diskutieren die Vortragenden mit angemeldeten TeilnehmerInnen der Ringvorlesung über ihre Zugänge zur Architekturforschung und die sich daraus eröffnenden Forschungsfragestellungen.

Martin Bechthold: Happy Accidents?

Martin Bechthold is Professor of Architectural Technology at the Graduate School of Design (Harvard University), director of the Material Processes and Systems Group (MaPS), and director of the GSD’s Doctor of Design Program. Bechthold’s interdisciplinary research on material systems investigates and develops novel strategies and solutions for construction at multiple scales. Current projects explore design robotics and strategic customization for architectural ceramics, and contribute to integrating questions of life cycle design into sustainable building design. He co-leads the interdisciplinary Adaptive Living Environments (ALivE) group, a research collaboration between the Harvard Graduate School of Design and scientist from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. The group is developing new adaptive material systems based on nano-technologies. Recent work has led to several inventions and publications of novel material systems focused on enhancing building performance and occupant’s experiences. The Wyss Institute recently appointed Bechthold as Associate Faculty.
Bechthold is the co-author of Structures (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2013) and Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (Newark: John Wiley and Sons, 2005) as well as the author of Innovative Surface Structures (Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis, 2008), a book that addresses the increasing conflation of structural design and digital fabrication techniques through the microcosm of thin shells and membranes. His forthcoming book ‘Ceramic Material Systems’ with Birkhäuser will be the first comprehensive review of innovation in ceramic construction systems. Bechthold holds a doctor of design degree from Harvard University, and a Diplom-Ingenieur in Architecture degree from the RWTH Aachen, Germany. At the TU Graz Bechthold is visiting professor at the Institute für Tragwerksentwurf (ITE), co-teaches the studio ‘Ceramic Re:Visions’ and continues his research collaboration with ITE faculty.

Ort: TU Graz, HS L

16. + 17.11.2023