
Vortragsreihe Landschaftsarchitektur 2012
Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur _ ILA
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Landschaftsarchitektur _ ÖGLA


Kristian Villadsen, Gehl Architects, Kopenhagen

public spaces worldwide

The company, Gehl Architects – Urban Quality Consultants, was established in 2000. The work of Gehl Architects builds on Professor Jan Gehl’s 40 years of extensive research on life in public spaces. Along with new research this continues to build the foundation for their work in small and large cities in all corners of the world: „We focus on the relationship between the built environment and people’s quality of life. Gehl Architects is an urban research and design consultancy. We address global trends with a people-focussed approach, utilizing empirical analysis to understand how the built environment can promote human flourishing. We apply this analysis to strategic planning and human-centred design to empower citizens, decision makers, company leaders, and organizations.“(

Kristian has been with Gehl Architects since 2005, and is responsible for a wide variety of projects. His focus area is on capacity building, competitions, regeneration strategies, citizen involvement processes, strategic planning frameworks and sustainable cities.
He is responsible for Gehl Architects operations in China.
He is an external lecturer at DIS (Danish International Study Abroad) and KUA (Copenhagen University).

16. + 17.11.2023